You spent decades raising your kids, wiping their tears, and making sure they ate their vegetables. And now? They’re all grown up, living their lives, and probably rolling their eyes at some of the things you do. Harsh? Maybe. True? Absolutely.
But here’s the kicker, they won’t tell you. They love you too much for that. Lucky for you, I’m here to spill the tea (because someone has to). So, let’s dive into the 9 things your adult kids secretly wish you’d stop doing… and what to do instead!
1. Calling at the Worst Possible Times
You mean well. You just want to check in! But calling in the middle of their work meeting or while they’re wrestling a toddler into a car seat? Not ideal.
What to Do Instead:
Text first. A simple “Hey, free to chat later?” works wonders. Bonus points if you throw in a fun emoji.
2. Giving Unsolicited Advice (Even When You’re Right!)
Nothing grinds their gears like hearing, “Well, if you’d just listen to me…” They love you, but they also want to figure things out on their own.
What to Do Instead:
Resist the urge! Wait until they ask for your wisdom. If you must share, phrase it as, “Want to hear what worked for me?”
3. Facebook Oversharing
Oh boy. Whether it’s embarrassing childhood photos, TMI personal updates, or commenting on every single post, your social media activity might be making them cringe.
What to Do Instead:
Before you hit “post,” ask yourself: Would I want my boss seeing this if I were them? If not, maybe keep it in the family group chat.
4. Comparing Them to Others
“Did you hear that Sarah from next door just got promoted?” Cue the silent eye-roll.
What to Do Instead:
Celebrate them for who they are. Even if they aren’t the next CEO, they have their own amazing journey.
5. Showing Up Unannounced
Unless your kid lives for spontaneity (spoiler: they don’t), surprise visits can be more stressful than fun.
What to Do Instead:
Give them a heads-up. Even a “Thinking of stopping by!” text gives them a chance to say, “Maybe another time?”
6. Mom Guilt
Saying things like, “You never call anymore…” or “I guess you don’t have time for me…” only makes them feel trapped between guilt and frustration.
What to Do Instead:
Flip the script! Instead of guilt-tripping, say, “I miss you! When can we catch up?” Positive vibes, always.
7. Not Respecting Their Parenting Choices
Yes, you raised them. Yes, you know best. But criticizing their parenting choices (“We never did that when you were a kid!”) is a surefire way to start a war.
What to Do Instead:
Support them, even if you disagree. If they ask for advice, share kindly. Otherwise? Sip your coffee and let them parent their way.
8. Sending a Million “Just Checking” Messages
You haven’t heard from them in a few days, so naturally, you send four texts and two missed calls.
What to Do Instead:
Breathe. If they haven’t responded, they’re busy, not ignoring you. A simple, “Thinking of you! Hope all is well.” is enough.
9. Ignoring Self-Care (Because You’re Too Busy Worrying About Them)
Here’s the big truth bomb: Your kids want you to take care of yourself. They don’t want to worry about you feeling lonely, stressed, or overwhelmed.
What to Do Instead:
Find something that makes YOU happy. Maybe it’s a new hobby, a fun activity, or even treating yourself to something special, like [this amazing self-care product that’s been changing lives] (seriously, check it out!).
The Bottom Line
Your kids love you. They really do. But a few small changes can make your relationship even stronger. And trust me, once you start respecting their boundaries and embracing your own joy? They’ll appreciate you more than ever.
Ready to Take Action?
Stop putting yourself last! Click [here] to grab the self-care essential that thousands of moms swear by. Or, drop a comment below and tell me which of these you’re guilty of (no judgment, we’ve all been there!).
Let’s make this the year of better relationships and happier moms!